Our Moto & Objectives

The main motto of the College is to provide best quality Agriculture Education to the students from rural back ground, which is the need of our country to develop as one of the leading nation in the world. For this development, facilities must be provided not only to metro cities but rural area should also be strengthened. To achieve the transformation of society towards socio-economic growth, technical education is of paramount important and spread of it in rural part of country is also equal needed. Hon’ble Chairman of the Shamrao Patil Yadravkar Trust, Shri. Rajendra Patil, a young dynamic leader has taken the initiative to start Sharad College of Agriculture Jainapur. SCAJ strives for best quality education to assure bright future for the students’ community in return to the money invested by their parents on education.Keeping in view, all the above aspects the Trust has decided to establish, and making sincere efforts to take all possible opportunities to Jainapur of Kolhapur District located at the south-west niche of Maharashtra state and nearer to state of Karnataka.