Introduction –

Horticulture is the most distinct branch of Agricultural Sciences which includes cultivation of fruit; vegetables, Flowers, Spices and condiments, Aromatics medicinal and Plantation crops and Post harvest management and value addition of horticulture produce. The Horticulture research has been in progress since the inception of department of agriculture. Horticulture section is part of Sharad college of Agriculture, Jainapur established in 2013. Horticulture section has constant demand from growers for advanced technical knowledge in the field of Horticulture and functioning under Sharad college of Agriculture, Jainapur to coordinate and strengthen teaching, research and extension activities of Horticulture.

Main objectives of section Horticulture are
  • To teach the subject of Horticulture to undergraduate student.
  • To guide the farmer’s standardization of package of practices and post harvest technology including handling and preservation is being carried out in different fruits, vegetables and flower crops.
Course taught:

Department of Horticulture offer following Courses to B.Sc Agriculture students in the institutes.

Major Activity

Teach the under graduate student

Extension Activities
  • The horticulture section is actively involved in transferring the improved technology to farmers, different growers’ associations and processes.
  • Participation in the exhibition by organized Sharad College of Agriculture, Jainapur.
  • Technical guidelines for development of fruit orchard, and different gardens and landscaping.
Facilities and Infrastructure

One lecture halls and on practical laboratories of the section are well equipped and other instruments where practical and lectures of UG students are being conducted. Horticulture section has 0.65.00 ha. land is under cultivation of different Fruit crops of mango, sapota, guava, coconut, custard apple, anola, Fig and Pomegranate been established which is used for fruit production and plant propagation.

Future Aspects
  • Development of Full fledged horticulture nursery.
  • Well established mother orchard of selected varieties of fruit crops.
  • Different types of landscape gardens.
  • Greenhouse and polyhouse structures for production of nursery plants and cultivation of flowers.
  • Post harvest technology laboratory