Course taught Department of Computer  offer following Courses to B.Sc Agriculture students in the institutes.



Theory: Introduction to Computers, Anatomy of Computers, Memory Concepts, Units of Memory, Operating System, definition and Types, Data Representation, Number systems (Binary, Hexadecimal). Difference between ASCII & UNICODE. Applications of  MS-Office for creating , Editing and Formatting of Document, Data presentation, Tabulation and Graph creation, statistical analysis, mathematical expressions, Database-Concepts and Types, creating database, uses of DBMS in agriculture, Internet. And World Wide Web(WWW), Concepts, Components and creation of web, HTML, XML, coding.

e- Agriculture, concepts, design and development. ICT for data collection: Formation of development programes, monitoring and evaluation; Computer models in agriculture: Statistical, weather analysis and crop simulation models- Concepts, structure, files, limitations and advantages. Application for understanding plant processes, sensitivity, verification, calibration and validation; IT application for computation of water and nutrient requirement of crops; computer controlled devices for agri-input management; Smartphone  Apps in Agriculture for farm advises, market price, postharvest management etc; Geospatial technology for generating valuable agri-information. Decision support systems, concepts, components and applications in Agriculture, Agriculture Expert System, Soil Information Systems etc for supporting Farm decisions. Communication process, Berlo’ s model, feedback and barriers to communication.


Study of Computer Components, accessories, practice of important DOS Commands, Introduction of different operating systems such as MS-Windows, UNIX/ Linux, Creating, Files & Folders, File Management.Use of MS-WORD and MS Power Point for creating, editing and presenting a scientific document. Handling of tabular data; Animation, Video tools, art tool, graphics, template and designs; MS-EXCEL – Creating a spreadsheet, use of statistical tool, writing expressions, creating graphs, analysis of scientific data a; MS-ACCESS: Creating database, preparing queries and reports , Demonstration of agri information system, Introduction to World Wide Web and its components. Demonstration of Scientific websites and identifying components. Hands on Crop Simulation Models (CSM) such as DSSAT/Crop-Info/CropSyst/Wofost; Computation of water and nutrient requirements of crop using CSM and IT tools; Use of Smart phones and other devices in agro-advisory and dissemination of market information;Introduction of Geospatial technology; Demonstration of generating information important for agriculture; Hands on practice on preparation of Decision Support system



Teaching Schedule

  1. Theory


Lecture Topics Weightage


1 Introduction to Computers,Definition:Hardware,Software &firmware. Types of software. 5
2 Data Representation,  Number systems  (Binary,Hexadecimal).  Difference  between  ASCII  & UNICODE (Different Encoding Schemes) 5
3 Primary,Secondary Memory,Unitsused for measurement of memory,Input Output devices 6
4 Operating Systems, definition and types 5
5 File Management. 6
6 Applications  used  for  document  creation  &Editing,Data presentation using slides. 8
7 Use  of  Spreadsheets  for  statistical  analysis,evaluating mathematical & logical expressions. 8
8 Use of Spreadsheets for Inter pretationandgraphcreation. 4
9 Database,     concepts     and     types,     uses                    of DBMS/RDBM Sin Agriculture 8
10 Database design, creation, 4
11 Database,     concepts     and     types,     uses     of DBMS/RDBM Sin Agriculture 4
12 Database design, creation, 4
13 Preparation   of   presentation.   Import   export operations, using numerical tabular data/text/graph /slides within different applications using cut-paste. 8
14 Smartphone Appsin Agriculture for farm  advises, market price, postharvestmanagement etc; Geospatial technology for generating valuable agri-information 8
15 Decision support systems,concepts,components and application sin Agriculture,Agriculture Expert System, Soil Information Systemsetc for supporting Farm decisions. 12
16 Communication     process,     Berlo’s   model, feedback and barriers to communication. 5
  Total 100




  1. Practical


Exercise Topic
1 Study of Computer Components, accessories
2 practice of important DOS Commands
3 Introduction of different operating systems such as MS-Windows, Unix/ Linux, Creating, Files &Folders,FileManagement.
4 Word-Processing–1
5 Word Processing–2
6 Presentation
7 Spreadsheet-1
8 Spreadsheet-2
9 Spreadsheet-3
10 DBMS/RDBMS Creating,Updating database
11 Querying/Retrieving data,relation
12 Introduction to World Wide Web (WWW).Demonstration of Agri-information system.
13 Handson Crop Simulation Models(CSM)such as DSSAT/Crop-Info/CropSyst/Wofost; Computation of waterandnutrientrequirementsof crop using CSM andIT tools.
14 Introduction of   Geospatial Technology for generating valuable information for Agriculture.
15 Hands on Decision Support System
16 Introduction     of       programming       languages.Preparation of contingent crop planning.