Introduction – 

Agricultural Economics is the one of the important and principle branch of Agriculture, which deals with study of principles and practices of farm management with the objectives of profit maximization and cost minimization. Agricultural Economicshas been started in 2013 at Sharad college of Agriculture, Jainapur. Agricultural Economics helps students to analyze economic condition of farmer as well as guide to farmers for their problems. Objectives: – 1)The main objective of the Agricultural Economics section is to provide practical knowledge related with Economics subject to undergraduate students. 2) To estimate profit and loss statement. 3) To estimate benefit cost ratios of the various crops. Extension Activities: – 1)The Staff members of this section has also guided the students in respect of how to work out economics of different economic activities and how to prepare project proposal for the same in various modules of Experiential Learning. 2)The staff members of this section guided the students in preparing for competitive and JRF examination for encouraging them to develop their all-round personalities. Education: Following courses of Agricultural Economics are included in the degree.