Introduction –

Agricultural Extension deals with the Trans for of Scientific agricultural know how or technology to the farmers so as to improve their standard of living i.e. Socio-economic status through farming efficiency. Extension Education is responsible for the development and upliftment of rural poor through different development programmers, Community Development Programmers’, National Extension services, etc. Approach of Extension changed and emphasis is now given to the broad based extension, multifocal, new trends like demand driven extension, farmer led and market led extension, extension privatization, cyber extension have been introduced in the present extension system. Mission – To impart teaching and training in Agriculture Extension with a view to produce professionals at various levels in central, state government public sector undertaking and commercial agencies and corporate sector To undertake research in Agricultural extension for promoting growth of knowledge in the discipline, contributing to the formulation of social policies and strengthening development administration To organize training programmers, group meetings, symposium, seminars, farmers meet, farmer’s rallies, demonstrations, campaign for the benefit of farmer, extension workers, administrators and other clientele groups in the local area. To co-ordinate various extension activities with the other departments /faculties to achieve targeted objective and goals. Mandate – Different courses offered during UG degree Programme.

  • New Extension Education is included in the syllabus of graduate classes. there four, it is necessary to understand basis concept of Extension Education for those who are associated with it in some way or the other.
  • Extension lays emphasis on “How to teach” instead of on “what to teach” so that the people can be encouraged to adopt new research techniques easily.
  • Agricultural Extension is a special branch of Extension Education which deals with the economic and social asp eds of people engaged in Agriculture.
  • Importance : Extension Education is a science which deals with the creation transmission and application of knowledge designed to bring about planned changes in the behavior – complex of people, with a view to help them live better by leaning the ways of improving their vocations, enterprises and institutions.
  • Extension Education : Extension Education section was established in year 2013 in Sharad College of Agriculture, Jainapur to coordinate and strengthen teaching, research and extension activities in agricultural extension.

         Course taught Department of Agricultural Extension offer following Courses to B.Sc Agriculture students in the institutes.

Sr. No. Semester Course No. Credits Course Title
1 I EXTN 111 2(2+0) Rural Sociology & Educational Psychology
2 II EXTN 122 3(2+1) Fundamentals of Agricultural Extension Education
3 II EXTN 123 2(1+1) Communication Skills and personality Developments (Common Course)
4 IV ELE EXTN 244 3(2+1) Agricultural Journalism
5 V EXTN 355 2(1+1) Entrepreneurship  Development and Business Communication (Common Course)
  • Objectives:
  • To teach the different subjects of Extension Education to undergraduate students.
  • To disseminate the innovations in agriculture to the farmer of near by are as through the extension block by using different methodologies like meetings, symposium, farm visits, exhibitions, literature etc.